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Another way to understand your problem is to consider what is to divide an integer by another. In general, the result of dividing an integer $n$ by an integer $d$ is
such as :
Such an operation is implemented as the quo_rem
method of Sage's integer
s. In your examples :
sage: a = 1178491952578374405023980117478966721
sage: a.quo_rem(2)
(589245976289187202511990058739483360, 1)
sage: b=1061618174439266951056499776554456999
sage: b.quo_rem(2)
(530809087219633475528249888277228499, 1)
sage: c=1272974170381429325805079139420165714
sage: c.quo_rem(2)
(636487085190714662902539569710082857, 0)
The quotient can also be obtained by the //
(integer division) operator, and the remainder by the %
(modulo) operator :
sage: a//2
sage: a%2
sage: b//2
sage: b%2
sage: c//2
sage: c%2
Your tests can be expressed as :
sage: a-(a//2)*2
sage: b-(b//2)*2
sage: c-(c//2)*2
Compare with :
sage: a-(a/2)*2
sage: b-(b/2)*2
sage: c-(c/2)*2
where the expressions a/2
, b/2
and c/2
are Rational
s :
sage: (a/2).parent()
Rational Field
sage: (b/2).parent()
Rational Field
sage: (c/2).parent()
Rational Field
The latter can be converted (technically coerce
d) to an integer :
sage: ZZ(c/2)
sage: ZZ(c/2).parent()
Integer Ring
whereas the first one cannot :
sage: ZZ(a/2)
## Stack trace : elided
TypeError: no conversion of this rational to integer
but can be rounded to an integer :
sage: round(a/2)
sage: round(a/2).parent()
Integer Ring
It should also be noted that Integer
s and Rational
s are exact, in the sense that their representation is finite ; this contrasts with reals or copmplexes, whose representation may be infinite, and thus represented in machine by approximations such as the so called "floating point" numbers (float
s in Python, various representations in Sage)
sage: (3/2).parent()
Rational Field
sage: (3/2).parent().is_exact()
sage: (1.5).parent()
Real Field with 53 bits of precision
sage: (1.5).parent().is_exact()
Some operations have meaning only if they are done on exact quantities (integers, rationals or algebraic). For exemple, testing the equality of two quantities by bool(x==y)
means that "$x$ and $y$ are identical" if and only if x
and y
are exact ; if x
or y
are, for example, Sage's Real
s with n bits of precision, the same tests succeeds if $|x'-y'|<2^{-n}$, where $x'$ and $y'$ are $x$'s and $y$'s mantissæ, i. e. numbers such as :
$x'2^{e_1}=x$, with $e_1\in\mathbb{Z}$, and
$\frac{1}{2}\leq x' \leq 1$.
This was the case of your tests : since you worked with "large" numbers, whose mantissa needed more than 53 bits for an "exact" representation, their floating point representations lost the last digits :
sage: a
sage: round(RR(a))
(In fact, you would need $\lceil \log_2a\rceil=120$ bits of precision to be able to represent a
exactly, the same for b
and c
Other representations, such as intervals or balls, emphasize other aspects of the same problem.