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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

One way would be to use the hue.


sage: tau = 2*pi
sage: point_lists = [[(n*cos(k*tau/n), n*sin(k*tau/n)) for k in range(n)] for n in range(3, 13)]
sage: n = len(point_lists)
sage: G = sum(list_plot(point_list, hue=k/n) for k, point_list in enumerate(point_lists))

Sum of list_plot graphics with varying hue

click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

One way would be to use the hue.


sage: tau = 2*pi
sage: point_lists ngon = [[(n*cos(k*tau/n), lambda n: [(n*cos(k*tau/n), n*sin(k*tau/n)) for k in range(n)] range(n)]
sage: point_lists = [ngon(n) for n in range(3, 13)]
sage: n = len(point_lists)
sage: G = sum(list_plot(point_list, hue=k/n) for k, point_list in enumerate(point_lists))

Sum of list_plot graphics with varying hue