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I typed "grid" in Ask Sage's "search or ask your question" box.

Some related questions and answers were suggested.

Many had useful tips and examples.

Instead of True, gridlines can be set to [xx, yy] where xx and yy are gridlines coordinate lists.


sage: f = lambda x: 1/x
sage: plot(f, (0.1, 1), color='green', gridlines=[[1/n for n in (10, 9 .. 1)], [1 .. 10]])

SageMath plot with hand picked gridlines

I typed "grid" in Ask Sage's "search or ask your question" box.

Some related questions and answers were suggested.

Many had useful tips and examples.

Instead of True, gridlines can be set to [xx, yy] where xx and yy are gridlines coordinate lists.


sage: f = lambda x: 1/x
sage: plot(f, (0.1, 1), color='green', gridlines=[[1/n for n in (10, 9 .. 1)], [1 .. 10]])

SageMath plot with hand picked gridlines

To get a box around the picture, use frame=True.