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You can't concatenate Bézier paths by simply concatenating the corresponding lists. For example, let B1 and B2 the Bézier paths generated by the lists L1=[[p1,c1,p2], [c2,p3]] and L2=[[p3,c3,p4]], and let C the Bézier path associated to L1+L2=[[p1,c1,p2], [c2,p3], [p3,c3,p4]]. The concatenation of B1and B2 is formed by three quadratic Bézier curves. However, C is composed by two quadratic Bézier curves and a cubic one. Note that [p3,c3,p4] in L1+L2 is interpreted as a curve starting at p3 and ending at p4 which has two control points p3 and c3, so it is a cubic Bézier curve. This situation can be clearly seen in the plot generated by the following code, where B1, B2 and C are colored in green, blue and red respectively:

L1 = [[(0,0),(1,1),(2,-1)],[(3,-3),(5,0)]]
L2 = [[(5,0),(7,3),(2,1)]]
B1 = bezier_path(L1,rgbcolor="lightgreen",thickness=3)
B2 = bezier_path(L2,rgbcolor="cyan",thickness=3)
C = bezier_path(L1+L2,rgbcolor="red",linestyle="-.")

image description

In your case there is the additional problem that, due to rounding errors, both paths have different endpoints:

sage: path1[0]
Bezier path from (-1.0000000000000004, 3.3306690738754696e-16) to (1.0, -2.220446049250313e-16)
sage: path2[0]
Bezier path from (1.0000000000000002, 0.0) to (-1.0, 2.220446049250313e-16)

It seems that you just want to fill the region limited by both paths. You can achieve this by changing some graphic options as follows:

arc1 = arc((0,1),sqrt(2),sector=(5*pi/4,7*pi/4))
arc2 = arc((0,-1),sqrt(2),sector=(pi/4,3*pi/4))

path1 = arc1[0].bezier_path()
path2 = arc2[0].bezier_path()

opts = path1[0].options()
opts.update({"fill": True, "rgbcolor": "red"})

opts = path2[0].options()
opts.update({"fill": True, "rgbcolor": "green"})

show(path1 + path2, frame=True)

This is the output:

image description

Hope this helps.

You can't concatenate Bézier paths by simply concatenating the corresponding lists. For example, let B1 and B2 be the Bézier paths generated by the lists L1=[[p1,c1,p2], [c2,p3]] and L2=[[p3,c3,p4]], and let C be the Bézier path associated to L1+L2=[[p1,c1,p2], [c2,p3], [p3,c3,p4]]. The concatenation of B1and B2 is formed by three quadratic Bézier curves. However, C is composed by two quadratic Bézier curves and a cubic one. Note that [p3,c3,p4] in L1+L2 is interpreted as a curve starting at p3 and ending at p4 which has two control points p3 and c3, so it is a cubic Bézier curve. This situation can be clearly seen in the plot generated by the following code, where B1, B2 and C are colored in green, blue and red respectively:

L1 = [[(0,0),(1,1),(2,-1)],[(3,-3),(5,0)]]
L2 = [[(5,0),(7,3),(2,1)]]
B1 = bezier_path(L1,rgbcolor="lightgreen",thickness=3)
B2 = bezier_path(L2,rgbcolor="cyan",thickness=3)
C = bezier_path(L1+L2,rgbcolor="red",linestyle="-.")

image description

In your case there is the additional problem that, due to rounding errors, both paths have different endpoints:

sage: path1[0]
Bezier path from (-1.0000000000000004, 3.3306690738754696e-16) to (1.0, -2.220446049250313e-16)
sage: path2[0]
Bezier path from (1.0000000000000002, 0.0) to (-1.0, 2.220446049250313e-16)

It seems that you just want to fill the region limited by both paths. You can achieve this by changing some graphic options as follows:

arc1 = arc((0,1),sqrt(2),sector=(5*pi/4,7*pi/4))
arc2 = arc((0,-1),sqrt(2),sector=(pi/4,3*pi/4))

path1 = arc1[0].bezier_path()
path2 = arc2[0].bezier_path()

opts = path1[0].options()
opts.update({"fill": True, "rgbcolor": "red"})

opts = path2[0].options()
opts.update({"fill": True, "rgbcolor": "green"})

show(path1 + path2, frame=True)

This is the output:

image description

Hope this helps.

You can't concatenate Bézier paths by simply concatenating the corresponding lists. For example, let B1 and B2 be the Bézier paths generated by the lists L1=[[p1,c1,p2], [c2,p3]] and L2=[[p3,c3,p4]], and let C be the Bézier path associated to L1+L2=[[p1,c1,p2], [c2,p3], [p3,c3,p4]]. The concatenation of B1and B2 is formed by three quadratic Bézier curves. However, C is composed by two quadratic Bézier curves and a cubic one. Note that [p3,c3,p4] in L1+L2 is interpreted as a curve starting at p3 and ending at p4 which has two control points p3 and c3, so it is a cubic Bézier curve. This situation can be clearly seen in the plot generated by the following code, where B1, B2 and C are colored in green, blue and red respectively:

L1 = [[(0,0),(1,1),(2,-1)],[(3,-3),(5,0)]]
L2 = [[(5,0),(7,3),(2,1)]]
B1 = bezier_path(L1,rgbcolor="lightgreen",thickness=3)
B2 = bezier_path(L2,rgbcolor="cyan",thickness=3)
C = bezier_path(L1+L2,rgbcolor="red",linestyle="-.")

image description

In your case there is the additional problem that, due to rounding errors, both paths have different endpoints:

sage: path1[0]
Bezier path from (-1.0000000000000004, 3.3306690738754696e-16) to (1.0, -2.220446049250313e-16)
sage: path2[0]
Bezier path from (1.0000000000000002, 0.0) to (-1.0, 2.220446049250313e-16)

It seems that you just want to fill the region limited by both paths. You can achieve this by changing some graphic options as follows:

arc1 = arc((0,1),sqrt(2),sector=(5*pi/4,7*pi/4))
arc2 = arc((0,-1),sqrt(2),sector=(pi/4,3*pi/4))

path1 = arc1[0].bezier_path()
path2 = arc2[0].bezier_path()

opts = path1[0].options()
opts.update({"fill": True, "rgbcolor": "red"})

opts = path2[0].options()
opts.update({"fill": True, "rgbcolor": "green"})

show(path1 + path2, frame=True)

This is the output:

image description

Hope this helps.

Edited (10/12/2020): An alternative route to get similar plots could be to define a function like the following one:

def circular_arc(center, radius, sector=(0,pi), segment=True, 
                 plot_points=50, **kwargs):
    step = (sector[1]-sector[0])/(plot_points-1)
    pts = [(center[0]+radius*cos(t), center[1]+radius*sin(t)) 
           for t in [sector[0]..sector[1],step=step]]
    if(not segment): pts.append(center)
    return polygon(pts,**kwargs)

This function has a syntax similar to that of arc. It plots the circular segment determined by the arc if segment=True, or the corresponding circular sector if segment=False. With this function at hand, the following code yields almost exactly the same output as above:

arc1 = circular_arc((0,1), sqrt(2), sector=(5*pi/4,7*pi/4), color="red")
arc2 = circular_arc((0,-1), sqrt(2), sector=(pi/4,3*pi/4), color="green")
show(arc1 + arc2, frame=True, aspect_ratio=golden_ratio)

Just for the purpose of comparison, let us show what happens with segment=False:

arc1 = circular_arc((0,1), sqrt(2), sector=(5*pi/4,7*pi/4), segment=False,
                    color="orange", edgecolor="red", thickness=3)
arc2 = circular_arc((0,-1), sqrt(2), sector=(pi/4,3*pi/4), segment=False, 
                    color="lightgreen", edgecolor="darkgreen",
                    thickness=3, alpha=0.5)
show(arc1 + arc2, frame=True)

image description