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Since sagemath-9.2 (see ticket #28838), the command sage -sws2rst was resurrected via a new pip-installable package sage-sws2rst. It can be installed in Sage 9.2 using sage -i sage_sws2rst.

Below is an example of usage. First we download a sage worksheet (.sws) prepared for Sage Days 20 at CIRM (Marseille, 2010):

$ wget
$ ls

We translate the sws worksheet into a ReStructuredText syntax file (.rst) using sage -sws2rst. This creates also a directory of images:

$ sage -sws2rst CIRM_Tutorial_1.sws
Processing CIRM_Tutorial_1.sws
File at CIRM_Tutorial_1.rst
Image directory at CIRM_Tutorial_1_media
$ ls
CIRM_Tutorial_1_media  CIRM_Tutorial_1.rst  CIRM_Tutorial_1.sws

Then, we can check that it works properly by looking at the generated rst file. Alternatively, we can translate it to a basic html file using rst2html:

$ CIRM_Tutorial_1.rst CIRM_Tutorial_1.html
CIRM_Tutorial_1.rst:176: (WARNING/2) Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
CIRM_Tutorial_1.rst:334: (WARNING/2) Inline strong start-string without end-string.

As seen above, there are few warnings sometimes because the translation made by sws2rst is not 100% perfect, but most of it is okay:

$ firefox CIRM_Tutorial_1.html

Moreover, one can use the sage -rst2ipynb script (installed with sage -i rst2ipynb + you may need to install pandoc on the system) to translate the rst file obtained above to a Jupyter notebook:

$ sage -rst2ipynb CIRM_Tutorial_1.rst CIRM_Tutorial_1.ipynb

One can check the result:

$ sage -n jupyter

(This answer was copy-pasted from the ReleaseTour of Sage-9.2)

Since sagemath-9.2 (see ticket #28838), the command sage -sws2rst was resurrected via a new pip-installable package sage-sws2rst. It can be installed in Sage 9.2 using sage -i sage_sws2rst.

Below is an example of usage. First we download a sage worksheet (.sws) prepared for Sage Days 20 at CIRM (Marseille, 2010):

$ wget
$ ls

We translate the sws worksheet into a ReStructuredText syntax file (.rst) using sage -sws2rst. This creates also a directory of images:

$ sage -sws2rst CIRM_Tutorial_1.sws
Processing CIRM_Tutorial_1.sws
File at CIRM_Tutorial_1.rst
Image directory at CIRM_Tutorial_1_media
$ ls
CIRM_Tutorial_1_media  CIRM_Tutorial_1.rst  CIRM_Tutorial_1.sws

Then, we can check that it works properly by looking at the generated rst file. Alternatively, we can translate it to a basic html file using rst2html:

$ CIRM_Tutorial_1.rst CIRM_Tutorial_1.html
CIRM_Tutorial_1.rst:176: (WARNING/2) Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
CIRM_Tutorial_1.rst:334: (WARNING/2) Inline strong start-string without end-string.

As seen above, there are few warnings sometimes because the translation made by sws2rst is not 100% perfect, but most of it is okay:

$ firefox CIRM_Tutorial_1.html

Moreover, one can use the sage -rst2ipynb script (installed with sage -i rst2ipynb + you may need to install pandoc on the system) to translate the rst file obtained above to a Jupyter notebook:

$ sage -rst2ipynb CIRM_Tutorial_1.rst CIRM_Tutorial_1.ipynb

One can check the result:

$ sage -n jupyter

(This answer was copy-pasted from the ReleaseTour of Sage-9.2)

Note that to translate old .sws files to .ipynb, you may also use the export notebook:

$ sage -n -h
* List available legacy Sage notebooks:

      sage --notebook=export --list

* Export a legacy Sage notebook as a Jupyter notebook:

      sage --notebook=export --ipynb=Output.ipynb admin:10