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You should use

g.along(beta)(vbeta, vbeta)

See the documentation of the method along().

In SageMath 9.2, which should be released within a few weeks, you will be able to use directly or vbeta.norm(), cf. the 9.2 release tour.

You should use

g.along(beta)(vbeta, vbeta)

See the documentation of the method along().

Considering your example, we have

sage: v2 = g.along(beta)(vbeta, vbeta); v2
Scalar field on the Real interval (0, +Infinity)
sage: v2.display()
(0, +Infinity) --> R
t |--> -1/cosh(t)^2
sage: v2.expr()

In SageMath 9.2, which should be released within a few weeks, you will be able to use directly or vbeta.norm(), cf. the 9.2 release tour.