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Docs for SageMath macOS interface

Thanks for pointing out the need for better documentation of the SageMath macOS app interface.

SageMath components

Regarding components, the answer is: SageMath ships its own components.

Suggestions once you have installed the macOS SageMath app:

  • create a symbolic link to the sage executable somewhere in your PATH

    The easiest way to do that is by running the following command from inside Sage:

    sage: !ln -sf $SAGE_ROOT/sage /usr/local/bin

    Then when asked, type the password for the current macOS user (this should be run by a user who is an admin for that Mac).

    Once that is done, you can start the Sage REPL (read-eval-print loop, also known as "command-line interface" or "Sage in the terminal") in any terminal session by using the command sage.

  • fix your Sage using the T3M group's fix_mac_sage

    That will enable SSL and Tkinter for the Python shipped by Sage.

    SSL is useful for secure downloads, in particular for using pip, the Python package installer.

    Tkinter is a graphical interface toolkit for Python, used by some optional packages of Sage, such as SnapPy.

  • to install extra pip packages, use the pip command

    One way to do that is from inside a Sage session:

    sage: !pip install some_package_name

    Another way is in a shell session (without starting Sage):

    $ sage --pip install some_package_name
  • to install extra R packages, start Sage's R

    $ sage --R

    and do as you would in R.

  • to install extra GAP packages,

    • install the optional package gap_packages

      $ sage -i gap_packages
    • start Sage's GAP

      $ sage --gap

    and use the GAP package PackageManager as you would in GAP.

SageTeX for the macOS SageMath app

Follow the instructions on the documentation page you mentioned.

Two ways to find SAGE_ROOT:

  • in a Sage session:

    sage: print(SAGE_ROOT)
  • in a shell session:

    $ sage -c 'print(SAGE_ROOT)'

Other tips for SageMath on macOS

  • Install JupyterLab

    sage: !pip install jupyterlab

    You can then start Sage in JupyterLab

  • Install RISE

    sage: !pip install RISE

    You can then turn Jupyter notebooks into presentations.

    Currently works with Jupyter Notebook but not with JupyterLab.