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So far, I managed to get around this by lifting $\gamma$ to $T[x]$ and taking the coefficients w.r.t the basis $1,x,x^2,\dots $. Since the lift is the unique polynomial of degree less than deg(g), the coefficients are the ones I am looking for?

sage: gamma = W.an_element()
sage: coeffs = gamma.lift().coefficients(sparse=False)

So far, I managed to get around this by lifting $\gamma$ to $T[x]$ and taking the coefficients w.r.t the basis $1,x,x^2,\dots $. Since the lift is the unique polynomial of degree less than deg(g), the coefficients are the ones I am looking for?

sage: gamma = W.an_element()
sage: coeffs = gamma.lift().coefficients(sparse=False)

and then padding coeffs with deg(g) - len(coeffs) zeroes.