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Nonconvex polyhedron in SageMath: construction and export to STL

Here is an example of constructing a non-convex polyhedron and exporting it to STL.

Define a list of vertices given as triples for points in $\mathbb{R}^3$.

v = [( 1,  0,  0), ( 2,  0,  1), ( 3,  0,  0), ( 2,  0, -1),
     ( 0,  1,  0), ( 0,  2,  1), ( 0,  3,  0), ( 0,  2, -1),
     (-1,  0,  0), (-2,  0,  1), (-3,  0,  0), (-2,  0, -1),
     ( 0, -1,  0), ( 0, -2,  1), ( 0, -3,  0), ( 0, -2, -1)]

Define a list of faces: each face is a tuple of indices where each index refers to a vertex in the list of vertices.

f = [(4*k + j, 4*((k+1)%4) + j, 4*((k+1)%4) + (j+1)%4, 4*k + (j+1)%4)
     for k in range(4) for j in range(4)]

Now define a polyhedron using the function polygons3d, which takes as arguments a list of vertices and a list of faces as above. In addition, use threejs_flat_shading=True for correct shading in the Three.js rendering.

torus = polygons3d(points=v, faces=f, threejs_flat_shading=True)

View the polyhedron.

Save it in STL format.'diamond_torus.stl')

Nonconvex polyhedron in SageMath: construction and export to STL

Here is an example of constructing a non-convex polyhedron and exporting it to STL.

Define a list of vertices given as triples for points in $\mathbb{R}^3$.

v = [( 1,  0,  0), ( 2,  0,  1), -1), ( 3,  0,  0), ( 2,  0, -1),
     ( 0,  1,  0), ( 0,  2,  1), -1), ( 0,  3,  0), ( 0,  2, -1),
     (-1,  0,  0), (-2,  0,  1), -1), (-3,  0,  0), (-2,  0, -1),
     ( 0, -1,  0), ( 0, -2,  1), -1), ( 0, -3,  0), ( 0, -2, -1)]

Define a list of faces: each face is a tuple of indices where each index refers to a vertex in the list of vertices.

f = [(4*k + j, 4*((k+1)%4) + j, 4*((k+1)%4) + (j+1)%4, 4*k + (j+1)%4)
     for k in range(4) for j in range(4)]

Now define a polyhedron using the function polygons3d, which takes as arguments a list of vertices and a list of faces as above. In addition, use threejs_flat_shading=True for correct shading in the Three.js rendering.

torus = polygons3d(points=v, faces=f, threejs_flat_shading=True)

View the polyhedron.

Save it in STL format.'diamond_torus.stl')

Nonconvex Define nonconvex polyhedron in SageMath: construction SageMath and export to STL

Here is an example of constructing a non-convex polyhedron and exporting it to STL.

Define a list of vertices given as triples for points in $\mathbb{R}^3$.

v = [( 1,  0,  0), ( 2,  0, -1), ( 3,  0,  0), ( 2,  0,  1),
     ( 0,  1,  0), ( 0,  2, -1), ( 0,  3,  0), ( 0,  2,  1),
     (-1,  0,  0), (-2,  0, -1), (-3,  0,  0), (-2,  0,  1),
     ( 0, -1,  0), ( 0, -2, -1), ( 0, -3,  0), ( 0, -2,  1)]

Define a list of faces: each face is a tuple of indices where each index refers to a vertex in the list of vertices.

f = [(4*k + j, 4*((k+1)%4) + j, 4*((k+1)%4) + (j+1)%4, 4*k + (j+1)%4)
     for k in range(4) for j in range(4)]

Now define a polyhedron using the function polygons3d, which takes as arguments a list of vertices and a list of faces as above. In addition, use threejs_flat_shading=True for correct shading in the Three.js rendering.

torus = polygons3d(points=v, faces=f, threejs_flat_shading=True)

View the polyhedron.

Save it in STL format.format (this saves to binary STL).'diamond_torus.stl')

To get the ascii STL:

torus_ascii_stl = torus.stl_ascii_string()

To save the polyhedron to ascii STL, write that ascii string to a file:

with open('diamond_torus_ascii.stl', 'w') as f:

Note also that Blender can be made to use SageMath's Python, so Python scripting in Blender can use all the power of Sage.

Define Export SageMath nonconvex polyhedron in SageMath and export to STL

Here is an example of constructing We construct a non-convex polyhedron and exporting export it to STL.

Define a list of vertices given as triples for points in $\mathbb{R}^3$.

v = [( 1,  0,  0), ( 2,  0, -1), ( 3,  0,  0), ( 2,  0,  1),
     ( 0,  1,  0), ( 0,  2, -1), ( 0,  3,  0), ( 0,  2,  1),
     (-1,  0,  0), (-2,  0, -1), (-3,  0,  0), (-2,  0,  1),
     ( 0, -1,  0), ( 0, -2, -1), ( 0, -3,  0), ( 0, -2,  1)]

Define a list of faces: each face is a tuple of indices where each index refers to a vertex in the list of vertices.

f = [(4*k + j, 4*((k+1)%4) + j, 4*((k+1)%4) + (j+1)%4, 4*k + (j+1)%4)
     for k in range(4) for j in range(4)]

Now define a polyhedron using the function polygons3d, which takes as arguments a list of vertices and a list of faces as above. In addition, use threejs_flat_shading=True for correct shading in the Three.js rendering.

torus = polygons3d(points=v, faces=f, threejs_flat_shading=True)

View the polyhedron.

Save it in STL format (this saves to binary STL).'diamond_torus.stl')

To get the ascii STL:

torus_ascii_stl = torus.stl_ascii_string()

To save the polyhedron to ascii STL, write that ascii string to a file:

with open('diamond_torus_ascii.stl', 'w') as f:

Note also that Blender can be made to use SageMath's Python, so Python scripting in Blender can use all the power of Sage.

Edit (2021-04-29): support for polyhedral complexes is coming: