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sage: from sage.rings.laurent_series_ring import *
sage: L.<z> = LazyLaurentSeriesRing(QQ)
sage: L.category()
Category of magmas and additive magmas
sage: 1/(1 - z)
1 + z + z^2 + z^3 + z^4 + z^5 + z^6 + ...
sage: 1/(1 - z) == 1/(1 - z)

NOTE : from the doc:

The definition of Laurent series rings is not initially imported into the global namespace. You need to import it explicitly to use it.


WorksForMe(TM):WorksForMe(TM). On a Python 3-based 9.0.beta3 :

sage: from sage.rings.laurent_series_ring import *
sage: L.<z> = LazyLaurentSeriesRing(QQ)
sage: L.category()
Category of magmas and additive magmas
sage: 1/(1 - z)
1 + z + z^2 + z^3 + z^4 + z^5 + z^6 + ...
sage: 1/(1 - z) == 1/(1 - z)

NOTE : from the doc:

The definition of Laurent series rings is not initially imported into the global namespace. You need to import it explicitly to use it.