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Hello, @ortollj! You have to define two functions: one to take care of the numeric evaluation, and the other for taking care of the LaTeX representation. The important thing is that you LaTeX output function must return a LatexExpr string. Let me explain.

First, we define the numeric evaluation function:

def general_falling_factorial_numeric(self, x, j, n, parent=None, algorithm=None):
    r""" to fill up """
    if (j < 0) or (n < 0):
        raise RuntimeError('j and n should be nonnegative!')
    return int(prod(x-k*j for k in (0..n-1)))

Notice the signature of the function? I have used self, parent=None and algorithm=None. I am not completely sure why these are needed in this case of defining symbolic functions, but they are. Maybe you could post a question about this if you are interested.

Now, we define the LaTeX function:

def general_falling_factorial_latex(self, x, j, n):
    return LatexExpr('{' + '('+str(x) + ' | ' + str(j) + ')'+'}_{' + str(n) + '}')

Notice that this function doesn't only return a string, but it encloses it in a LatexExpr type, which is what is rendered as LaTeX output by the show function (below). If you don't use that, you will get only a non-LaTeX string.

Finally, we have to put both functions under the same name:

general_falling_factorial = function('general_falling_factorial', nargs=3, evalf_func=general_falling_factorial_numeric, print_latex_func=general_falling_factorial_latex)

This new function is called general_falling factorial, and you can call it in your code by that name. Besides defining a name for the function, I have indicated that it takes three arguments with nargs=3. The argument evalf_funcspecifies what subroutine should be called when you want a numerical result (general_falling_factorial_numeric, in this case). The argument print_latex_func specifies what subroutine to call when you want LaTeX output (general_falling_factorial_latex, in this case).

Now you can use your new function to compute a result like:

general_falling_factorial(2, 1, 1).n()

which returns 2 (I used int in the first subroutine to return integers only). The .n() part tells Sage that you want a numeric result, so it calls general_falling_factorial_numeric.

On the other hand, you can also obtain a LaTeX output with

var('x j n')
general_falling_factorial(x, j, n).show()

which will return $(x | j)_n$. The .show() part indicates Sage that you want a LaTeX output, so it has to call general_falling_factorial_latex.

Finally, if you don't use .n() nor .show(), you will get a purely symbolic result:

general_falling_factorial(2, 1, 1)

returns general_falling_factorial(2, 1, 1).