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Here is a short recipe, assuming that your file is named your_file.sage:

From a standard terminal, type sage -sh. Within this new shell, whose path contains the sage scripts directory, type:

sage-preparse your_file.sage

A file named will appear.

Edit it and remove (or comment) the from sage.all_cmdline import * statement.

Now, install pyflakes for Python 2 [this will soon be Python 3, on Debian, the corresponding package will be pyflakes3].

Then run pyflakes from a standard terminal. You will get a lot of lines of the kind: undefined name 'Blah'

For each such Blah, in a Sage session, run:

sage: import_statements('Blah')

Sage will give you the line to add at the beginning of

For example, if pyflakes returns: undefined name 'Integer'

The command

sage: import_statements('Integer')


from sage.rings.integer import Integer

which you have to add to the beginning of

Here is a short recipe, assuming that your file is named your_file.sage:.

From a standard terminal, type type:

sage -sh. Within this new shell, whose path contains the sage scripts directory, type:

sage-preparse -preparse your_file.sage

A file named will appear.

Edit it and remove (or comment) the from sage.all_cmdline import * statement.

Now, install pyflakes for Python 2 [this will soon be Python 3, on Debian, the corresponding package will be pyflakes3].

Then run pyflakes from a standard terminal. You will get a lot of lines of the kind: undefined name 'Blah'

For each such Blah, in a Sage session, run:

sage: import_statements('Blah')

Sage will give you the line to add at the beginning of

For example, if pyflakes returns: undefined name 'Integer'

The command

sage: import_statements('Integer')


from sage.rings.integer import Integer

which you have to add to the beginning of