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There ain't, as far as I know, no such thing as a "Project" in Sagemath proprio dictu : you can use the Sage interpreter as you like, to create files in your filesystem. You can also use the Jupyter notebook to create files specific to this interface (a. k. a. "worksheets").

You can, of course, use any IDE you like to work on a set of related Sage (or other tools) files. This is higly problem- and taste-dependent... For exemple, for small projects, my current setup uses emacs to edit org-mode or LaTeX files containing Sage code snippets (as well as other tools) ; the coordinatin between machines (and possibly users) being done by judicious use of git. For larger projects, more-or-less independent LaTeX, Sage (and other) files coordinated by Makefiles would be a better solution. "Noweb-like" and "reproducible research" tool such as SageTeX or org-mode (and, more recently, codebraid) are extremely useful for this purpose.

I suppose that you could use Eclipse (or any other IDE) along the same lines (as long as they can bu configured forthis purpose).

You probably allude to the file structures available on Cocalc, which offers access to Sagemathj and related tools, as well as various services such as editing files by several simultaneous users, access control, etc... Your question would probably be best directed at Cocalc's support staff.