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Did you type pip install opencv_python instead of pip install opencv-python by any chance?

Make sure you have the right spelling.

Did you type pip install opencv_python instead of pip install opencv-python by any chance?OpenCV-Python provides Python bindings for OpenCV (free software for computer vision).

Make sure To install it you have the right spelling.need OpenCV itself, as well as Python, to be installed.

Maybe try the following, in a Sage shell (which, if you installed Sage using the Sage-Windows installer, runs in Cygwin):

apt-cyg install libopencv-devel

Then install opencv-python with the command:

pip install opencv-python

OpenCV-Python provides Python bindings for OpenCV (free software for computer vision).

To install it you need OpenCV itself, as well as Python, to be installed.

Maybe try the following, in a Sage shell (which, if you installed Sage using the Sage-Windows installer, runs in Cygwin):

apt-cyg install libopencv-devel


Then install opencv-python with the command:

pip install opencv-python