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initial version

As pointed out by Serge Lelièvre, this seems a limitation of Python 2 floats, which does not exist in Python 3, where one can do :

sage: def F(u): return arg((u-3)^(1/3))
sage: F(1)
sage: F(1).n()
sage: F(2).n()
sage: plot(F,(1,2))
Launched png viewer for Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
sage: integrate(F(x),x,1,2)

See this sage-devel thread for further illumination...

In the original example:

sage: cauchy(z)=y.substitute(solve(z*y^3 +y^2 - 2*z*y+2, y)[0])
sage: def G(u): return arg(cauchy(u))
sage: numerical_integral(lambda u:G(u), 1, 2)
(0.6116545934235456, 6.790730127365591e-15)

NOTE : This has replaced, (not complemented) my original answer concluding that this was a (Python) bug. Apologies for the confusion...

As pointed out by Serge Lelièvre, this seems a limitation of Python 2 floats, which does not exist in Python 3, where one can do :

sage: def F(u): return arg((u-3)^(1/3))
sage: F(1)
sage: F(1).n()
sage: F(2).n()
sage: plot(F,(1,2))
Launched png viewer for Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
sage: integrate(F(x),x,1,2)

See this sage-devel thread for further illumination...

In the original example:

sage: cauchy(z)=y.substitute(solve(z*y^3 +y^2 - 2*z*y+2, y)[0])
sage: def G(u): return arg(cauchy(u))
sage: numerical_integral(lambda u:G(u), 1, 2)
(0.6116545934235456, 6.790730127365591e-15)