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As mentioned in the comments you can do a lift.

For vectors you can also change the ring to the integers, to lift all the entries. For example,

def ones_per_column(matrices):
    return sum(vector(sum(c.change_ring(ZZ)) for c in m.columns()) for m in matrices)

Maybe more efficiently, change the ring of each matrix to the integers, add them and take the column sums:

def ones_per_column(matrices):
     return vector(sum(c) for c in sum(m.change_ring(ZZ) for m in matrices).columns())

In either case you can do

sage: ones_per_column(list(MatrixSpace(GF(2), 2, 2))[0:4])
(2, 1)

As mentioned in the comments you can do a lift.

For vectors you can also change the ring to the integers, to lift all the entries. For example,

def ones_per_column(matrices):
    return sum(vector(sum(c.change_ring(ZZ)) for c in m.columns()) for m in matrices)

Maybe more efficiently, change the ring of each matrix to the integers, add them and take the column sums:

def ones_per_column(matrices):
     return vector(sum(c) for c in sum(m.change_ring(ZZ) for m in matrices).columns())

In either case you can do

sage: ones_per_column(list(MatrixSpace(GF(2), 2, 2))[0:4])
(2, 1)