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You can do

show( SR.symbol('e_Ersatz') == e_Ersatz )

or really define e_Ersatz as a symbol, and show the equation:

show( e_Ersatz == d_k * ( (e_m/d_m) + (e_s/(d_k-d_m) ) ) )

You can do

show( SR.symbol('e_Ersatz') == e_Ersatz )

or really define e_Ersatz as a symbol, and show the equation:

show( e_Ersatz == d_k * ( (e_m/d_m) + (e_s/(d_k-d_m) ) ) )

Both SR.symbol and var also accept a latex_name keyword argument, so you can define e.g.

var('e_Ersatz', latex_name='e_{\\text{Ersatz}}')