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As you found, implementing binary relations as subsets of the Cartesian product is the object of

The ticket is currently marked as "needs review", which means the author is waiting for other developers to check that this can go into Sage. Once another developer has checked it, it can be given "positive review", and then make its way into the next version of Sage.

If you are interested in the work done in the ticket and want to try it on your computer, you can install git-trac-command, then open a terminal and change to the directory where Sage is installed, then run git trac checkout 24542, then run make.

As you found, implementing binary relations as subsets of the Cartesian product is the object of

The ticket is currently marked as "needs review", which means the author is waiting for other developers to check that this can go into Sage. Once another developer has checked it, it can be given "positive review", and then make its way into the next version of Sage.

If you are interested in the work done in the ticket and want to try it on your computer, you can install git-trac-command, then open a terminal and change to the directory where Sage is installed, then run git trac checkout 24542, then run make.

See the developer manual for more detail.