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The objects returned by list_plot can be added, and result is a plot that is the superposition of the two plots, so you can do:

sage: list_plot(res_red, color='red') + list_plot(res_blue, color='blue')

The objects returned by list_plot can be added, and result is a plot that is the superposition of the two plots, so you can do:

sage: list_plot(res_red, color='red') + list_plot(res_blue, color='blue')

Regarding the shape, you can set a marker option, for example:

sage: list_plot(res_red, color='red', marker='s') + list_plot(res_blue, color='blue', marker='o')

This will make the red dots as squares and the blue dots as circles.

You can get the list of all markers trough the documentation of the plot function, see:

sage: plot?