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initial version

After the posted question was rewritten, things become clear...

I will use the initial data, now removed.

N2t = 255160190748097728909073992066681481971266763532072843899089448199446167717167960744601102972601602922181202360582451390444069288993036758893159458257631792288806392427511312959701552997863308272649941168050821236125510145636956726776578414214971100481644977543870051557614456524822448281201070029896628771569285982163522457460577547615506364312525396285709733305329300010560421731105246057719068276050848034151179818471271226677961341255951310813543386757373809814453125

tau = 21889076392558760327677659259934609638463313379802582901440283193366831291164819780840018602360527472447127247594678967295892871925139132561808422151579794094385412974746838548046696943871501539283044945256107967558704847080889510560228755842021930819060356896821169145764886710414494318501436969236483033958717524286008339273426400925089525356222254452347532030101233967584203566313861768653268558884527430972086051680415120281152591994818818861033582581858059564186563

M = Matrix( QQ, 2, 2,
            [ [ N2t, 0 ] ,
              [ tau, 1 ] , ] )

B = M.LLL()
# the two lines that declare M and B are the solution...
# let us put some prints here, to see what happens...

print 'M is a matrix with relatively big coefficients'
print M.change_ring( RR )

print 'B = M.LLL() is a matrix with "half big" coefficients'
print B.change_ring( RR )

print 'The determinants of M and B differ by a unit...'
print 'det(M) = %s' % ( M.det().factor() )
print 'det(B) = %s' % ( B.det().factor() )


M is a matrix with relatively big coefficients
[2.55160190748098e470    0.000000000000000]
[2.18890763925588e469     1.00000000000000]
B = M.LLL() is a matrix with "half big" coefficients
[-1.02023170379847e235 -8.25694748623678e234]
[-1.02465661838403e235  1.67172644428592e235]
The determinants of M and B differ by a unit...
det(M) = 5^673
det(B) = -1 * 5^673

Note hat B has similar entries to those from the initial post, where magma results were shown:

    sage: print B[0,0]

After the posted question was rewritten, things become clear...

I will use the initial data, now removed.

N2t = 255160190748097728909073992066681481971266763532072843899089448199446167717167960744601102972601602922181202360582451390444069288993036758893159458257631792288806392427511312959701552997863308272649941168050821236125510145636956726776578414214971100481644977543870051557614456524822448281201070029896628771569285982163522457460577547615506364312525396285709733305329300010560421731105246057719068276050848034151179818471271226677961341255951310813543386757373809814453125

tau = 21889076392558760327677659259934609638463313379802582901440283193366831291164819780840018602360527472447127247594678967295892871925139132561808422151579794094385412974746838548046696943871501539283044945256107967558704847080889510560228755842021930819060356896821169145764886710414494318501436969236483033958717524286008339273426400925089525356222254452347532030101233967584203566313861768653268558884527430972086051680415120281152591994818818861033582581858059564186563

M = Matrix( QQ, 2, 2,
            [ [ N2t, 0 ] ,
              [ tau, 1 ] , ] )

B = M.LLL()
# the two lines that declare M and B are the solution...
# let us put some prints here, to see what happens...

print 'M is a matrix with relatively big coefficients'
print M.change_ring( RR )

print 'B = M.LLL() is a matrix with "half big" coefficients'
print B.change_ring( RR )

print 'The determinants of M and B differ by a unit...'
print 'det(M) = %s' % ( M.det().factor() )
print 'det(B) = %s' % ( B.det().factor() )


M is a matrix with relatively big coefficients
[2.55160190748098e470    0.000000000000000]
[2.18890763925588e469     1.00000000000000]
B = M.LLL() is a matrix with "half big" coefficients
[-1.02023170379847e235 -8.25694748623678e234]
[-1.02465661838403e235  1.67172644428592e235]
The determinants of M and B differ by a unit...
det(M) = 5^673
det(B) = -1 * 5^673

Note hat B has similar entries to those from the initial post, where magma results were shown:

    sage: print B[0,0]

FURTHER EDIT regarding the declaration of an inner product (diagonal) matrix D in the magma lattice.

Magma seems to accept also a second argument when a lattice is introduced, as in

so let us give an example of usage for the same data, in parallel in magma and in sage. The link to the magma online calculator was a big help, the following Magma code

d  := 7647976553;
QQ := Rationals();    
A := Matrix( QQ, 2, 2, [2^83-1, 3^47+17, 5^35-2, 7^27-66] );
X := Matrix( QQ, 2, 2, [1,0,0,d] );

L := Lattice( A, X^2 );
"\n LLLBasisMatrix(L):\n", LLLBasisMatrix(L);

was executed, and gave rise to


[   1469426521149510852500378801             -481347751540973298]
[1000322738339202822446199266478            52159285068221467403]

and some further output that i could not figure out using the strict magma documentation in a world without examples.

Let us recover the above in sage. Code:

d = 7647976553;

A = matrix( QQ, 2, [2^83-1, 3^47+17, 5^35-2, 7^27-66] )
X = matrix( QQ, 2, [1,0, 0,d] )
M = A * X
M.LLL() * X^(-1)


[   1469426521149510852500378801             -481347751540973298]
[1000322738339202822446199266478            52159285068221467403]

So the difference is recovered by a twist with X.