![]() | 1 | initial version |
Just an other way, extract a version of dPart
below adapted for the own needs...
Let us fix some test data.
sage: var( 'x,y,z' );
sage: F = 27*x^5 + x^2*y^2 + 19*z^4 + 55*x*y*z + 6
sage: F = F.polynomial( QQ )
sage: def dPart( F, d ):
....: return sum( [ F.monomial_coefficient(m) * m
....: for m in F.monomials()
....: if m.total_degree() == d ] )
sage: for d in range(6):
....: print "total degree %s -> %s" % ( d, dPart( F, d ) )
total degree 0 -> 6
total degree 1 -> 0
total degree 2 -> 0
total degree 3 -> 55*x*y*z
total degree 4 -> x^2*y^2 + 19*z^4
total degree 5 -> 27*x^5
(2) "Same", but not so easy to digest:
dPart = lambda F, d: sum( [ c*m for c,m in F if m.total_degree() == d ] )
Or parse correspondingly the information in F.dict()
, but this would be the too explicit solution:
sage: def dPart( F, d ):
....: vars = F.variables()
....: return sum( [ coeff * prod( [ vars[k]^degrees[k] for k in range(len(vars)) ] )
....: for degrees, coeff in F.dict().items()
....: if sum(degrees) == d ] )