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This is because SageManifolds is not fully integrated in SageMath 7.3. Only the part corresponding to the tickets #15916 to #18783 in the list is there. As you can see, tangent spaces (ticket #19092) is not in SageMath yet. Hopefully, it will be in version 7.4. Meanwhile, simply install the full SageManifolds atop SageMath 7.3 by following these instructions.

This is because SageManifolds is not fully integrated in SageMath 7.3. Only the part corresponding to the tickets #15916 to #18783 in the list is there. As you can see, tangent spaces (ticket #19092) is are not in SageMath yet. Hopefully, it will be in version 7.4. Meanwhile, simply install the full SageManifolds atop SageMath 7.3 by following these instructions.

This is because SageManifolds is not fully integrated in SageMath 7.3. Only the part corresponding to the tickets #15916 to #18783 in the list is there. As you can see, tangent spaces (ticket #19092) are not in SageMath yet. Hopefully, it will be in version 7.4. Meanwhile, simply install the full SageManifolds atop SageMath 7.3 by following these instructions. and all the S^2 examples should pass.