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Installing Sage just installs Sage, it does not automatically make the sage command point to Sage.

So either change directory to where sage is installed and run ./sage as @eric_g suggests, or take one of the following steps.

  • use an alias by adding this line in your .bashrc or .bash_profile settings file:

    alias sage='/path/to/sage'
  • or add a symbolic link in a place that is in your PATH, say /usr/local/bin, by running the command

    $ sudo ln -s /path/to/sage /usr/local/bin

(you would replace /path/to/sage by the actual path to the sage executable you have installed).

A related trick: GAP, Singular, etc., are bundled with Sage. There is a command to create creating symbolic links for all of them in a chosen directory. To create the symbolic links in /usr/local/bin, run this command:

$ sudo sage -c "install_scripts('/usr/local/bin')