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 sage: Bob="xyz"
sage: sB = subsets(Bob)
sage: sB
<generator object powerset at 0x18fe82f00>

At this point, sB is a generator, and after you've done map(str,sB), the generator has been exhausted, so doing map(str,sB) a second time does nothing: there are no elements left in sB to apply map to. You could instead do

sage: sB = list(subsets(Bob))

Now sB is a list which can be accessed over and over again.

sage: print map(str, sB)
['[]', "['x']", "['y']", "['x', 'y']", "['z']", "['x', 'z']", "['y', 'z']", "['x', 'y', 'z']"]
sage: print map(str, sB)
['[]', "['x']", "['y']", "['x', 'y']", "['z']", "['x', 'z']", "['y', 'z']", "['x', 'y', 'z']"]

(See for a related question.)

 sage: Bob="xyz"
sage: sB = subsets(Bob)
sage: sB
<generator object powerset at 0x18fe82f00>

At this point, sB is a generator, and after you've done map(str,sB), the generator has been exhausted, so doing map(str,sB) a second time does nothing: there are no elements left in sB to apply map to. You could instead do

sage: sB = list(subsets(Bob))

Now sB is a list which can be accessed over and over again.

sage: print map(str, sB)
['[]', "['x']", "['y']", "['x', 'y']", "['z']", "['x', 'z']", "['y', 'z']", "['x', 'y', 'z']"]
sage: print map(str, sB)
['[]', "['x']", "['y']", "['x', 'y']", "['z']", "['x', 'z']", "['y', 'z']", "['x', 'y', 'z']"]

(See for a related question.)