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It is not of very good practice to use variable names that depend on indices. And in practice this is hard to manipulate. You can alternatively do sage: O, t = A.gram_schmidt() sage: w = O.rows() sage: w[0] -> the first row sage: w[1] -> the second row

But since you have the function O.row available I do not see why you need to make variables out of it.

It is not of very good practice to use variable names that depend on indices. And in practice this is hard to manipulate. You can alternatively do do

sage: O, t =  A.gram_schmidt()
 sage: w = O.rows()
 sage: w[0]
 -> the first row
  sage: w[1]
  -> the second row


But since you have the function O.row available I do not see why you need to make variables out of it.

It is not of very good practice to use variable names that depend on indices. And in practice this is hard to manipulate. You can alternatively do

sage: O, t =  A.gram_schmidt()
sage: w = O.rows()
sage: w[0]
-> the first row
 sage: w[1]
 -> the second row

But since you have the function O.row available I do not see why you need to make variables out of it.