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As you can see, the problem is not about viewing the formula in LaTeX, but about telling Sage not to compute the derivative. Indeed , it seems that the derivative method does not support a hold argument (yet).

sage: f(x) = x + x^2
sage: derivative(f(x),x)
2*x + 1
sage: derivative(f(x),x, hold=True)
TypeError: derivative() got an unexpected keyword argument 'hold'

As you can see, the problem is not about viewing the formula in LaTeX, LaTeX/pdf, but about telling Sage not to compute the derivative. Indeed , it seems that the derivative method does not support a hold argument (yet).

sage: f(x) = x + x^2
sage: derivative(f(x),x)
2*x + 1
sage: derivative(f(x),x, hold=True)
TypeError: derivative() got an unexpected keyword argument 'hold'