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Given a polyhedron you can obtain their faces with the method faces. Then you can convert them to polyhedra and intersect them. In action

sage: P1 = Polyhedron([(0,0),(1,2),(3,4)])
sage: P2 = Polyhedron([(0,0),(1,2),(-3,-2)])
sage: f1 = [f.as_polyhedron() for f in P1.faces(1)]
sage: f2 = [f.as_polyhedron() for f in P2.faces(1)]

f1 is just the faces of my first polyhedron (seen themselves as polyhedra)

sage: f1[0].vertices_list()
[[0, 0], [1, 2]]
sage: f1[1].vertices_list()
[[0, 0], [3, 4]]
sage: f1[2].vertices_list()
[[1, 2], [3, 4]]

idem for f2

sage: f2[0].vertices_list()
[[-3, -2], [0, 0]]
sage: f2[1].vertices_list()
[[-3, -2], [1, 2]]
sage: f2[2].vertices_list()
[[0, 0], [1, 2]]

And you can now do intersection between them

sage: f1[0].intersection(f2[0])
A 0-dimensional polyhedron in ZZ^2 defined as the convex hull of 1 vertex
sage: f1[0].intersection(f2[2])
A 1-dimensional polyhedron in ZZ^2 defined as the convex hull of 2 vertices



Given a polyhedron you can obtain their faces with the method faces. Then you can convert them to polyhedra and intersect them. In action

sage: P1 = Polyhedron([(0,0),(1,2),(3,4)])
sage: P2 = Polyhedron([(0,0),(1,2),(-3,-2)])
sage: f1 = [f.as_polyhedron() for f in P1.faces(1)]
sage: f2 = [f.as_polyhedron() for f in P2.faces(1)]

f1 is just the faces of my first polyhedron (seen themselves as polyhedra)

sage: f1[0].vertices_list()
[[0, 0], [1, 2]]
sage: f1[1].vertices_list()
[[0, 0], [3, 4]]
sage: f1[2].vertices_list()
[[1, 2], [3, 4]]

idem for f2

sage: f2[0].vertices_list()
[[-3, -2], [0, 0]]
sage: f2[1].vertices_list()
[[-3, -2], [1, 2]]
sage: f2[2].vertices_list()
[[0, 0], [1, 2]]

And you can now do intersection between them

sage: f1[0].intersection(f2[0])
A 0-dimensional polyhedron in ZZ^2 defined as the convex hull of 1 vertex
sage: f1[0].intersection(f2[2])
A 1-dimensional polyhedron in ZZ^2 defined as the convex hull of 2 vertices

Then, for plotting a polyhedra P just do P.plot() or To see the options you have for plotting, you can have a look at the documentation obtained by typing enter after P.plot? or (with the question mark). There is also the possibility to make a tikz picture if you are interested.
