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1/2 * sqrt(2) is equal to sqrt(2) / 2. When you write 1/2 * sqrt(2) it is different from 1 / (2 * sqrt(2)).

So it is not a bug but the way Sage displays the result.



1/2 * sqrt(2) is equal to sqrt(2) / 2. When If you write 1/2 * sqrt(2) in any reasonably programming language it is different from 1 / (2 * sqrt(2)).

So it is not a bug but the way Sage displays the result.



1/2 This is just a problem of display. The quantity * sqrt(2)1 / sqrt(2) * is just equal to * 1 / 2 * sqrt(2) . The latter is just another form of *sqrt(2) / 2. If you write 1/2 * sqrt(2) in any reasonably programming language And it is different from 1 / (2 equal to the former if you divide both the numerator and the denominator by * sqrt(2))sqrt(2) *.

So it is not a bug but the way Sage displays the result.



This is just a problem of display. The quantity * 1 / sqrt(2) *sqrt(2) is just equal to * 1 / 2 * sqrt(2) sqrt(2). The latter is just another form of *sqrt(2) / 2. And it is equal to the former if you divide both the numerator and the denominator by * sqrt(2) *sqrt(2).

So it is not a bug but the way Sage displays the result.



This is just a problem of display. The quantity 1 / sqrt(2) is just equal to 1 / 2 * sqrt(2). The latter is just another form of sqrt(2) / 2. And it is equal to the former if you divide both the numerator and the denominator by sqrt(2).

So it is not a bug but the way Sage displays the result.

Note that it also happens for numbers themselves:

sage: 1 / sqrt(2)
