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You should read the doc before asking such questions here.

In particular, give a name to your object and use the automatic TAB-completion to get the list of available methods. In this way, you can learn about the methods .degree and .variables by hitting the TAB key after toto.

sage: sage: R = BooleanPolynomialRing(3, 'x')
sage: sage: x, y, z = R.gens()
sage: too = x+z
sage: sage: too.v   # (pressing TAB key here)
too.variable          too.vars_as_monomial  
too.variables         too.version           
sage: too.variables()
(x0, x2)
sage: len(toto.variables())

You should read the doc before asking such questions here.

In particular, give a name to your object and use the automatic TAB-completion to get the list of available methods. In this way, you can learn about the methods .degree and .variables by hitting the TAB key after toto.

sage: sage: R = BooleanPolynomialRing(3, 'x')
sage: sage: x, y, z = R.gens()
sage: too = x+z
sage: sage: too.v   # (pressing TAB key here)
too.variable          too.vars_as_monomial  
too.variables         too.version           
sage: too.variables()
(x0, x2)
sage: len(toto.variables())

You should read the doc before asking such questions here.

In particular, give a name to your object and use the automatic TAB-completion to get the list of available methods. In this way, you can learn about the methods .degree and .variables by hitting the TAB key after toto.too.

sage: sage: R = BooleanPolynomialRing(3, 'x')
sage: sage: x, y, z = R.gens()
sage: too = x+z
sage: sage: too.v   # (pressing TAB key here)
too.variable          too.vars_as_monomial  
too.variables         too.version           
sage: too.variables()
(x0, x2)
sage: len(too.variables())