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What you are asking for is the word problem.

In your case (the answer is quite a huge product):

sage: P = PermutationGroup([[(13,14,15,16)], [(1,2,3,4),(5,6,7,8),(9,10,11,12)], [(1,5,9,13,12,8,4)]])
sage: P.gens()
[(13,14,15,16), (1,2,3,4)(5,6,7,8)(9,10,11,12), (1,5,9,13,12,8,4)]
sage: p = P((1,2))
sage: p.word_problem(P.gens())[1]
sage: ans = p.word_problem(P.gens())
sage: ans[0]
sage: ans[1]

What you are asking for is the word problem.problem.

In your case (the answer is quite a huge product):

sage: P = PermutationGroup([[(13,14,15,16)], [(1,2,3,4),(5,6,7,8),(9,10,11,12)], [(1,5,9,13,12,8,4)]])
sage: P.gens()
[(13,14,15,16), (1,2,3,4)(5,6,7,8)(9,10,11,12), (1,5,9,13,12,8,4)]
sage: p = P((1,2))
sage: p.word_problem(P.gens())[1]
sage: ans = p.word_problem(P.gens())
sage: ans[0]
sage: ans[1]

What you are asking for is known as the word problem.

In your case case, you can do (the answer is quite a huge product):

sage: P = PermutationGroup([[(13,14,15,16)], [(1,2,3,4),(5,6,7,8),(9,10,11,12)], [(1,5,9,13,12,8,4)]])
sage: P.gens()
[(13,14,15,16), (1,2,3,4)(5,6,7,8)(9,10,11,12), (1,5,9,13,12,8,4)]
sage: p = P((1,2))
sage: p.word_problem(P.gens())[1]
sage: ans = p.word_problem(P.gens())
sage: ans[0]
sage: ans[1]

What you are asking for is known as the word problem.

In your case, you can do (the answer is quite a huge product):

sage: P = PermutationGroup([[(13,14,15,16)], [(1,2,3,4),(5,6,7,8),(9,10,11,12)], [(1,5,9,13,12,8,4)]])
sage: P.gens()
[(13,14,15,16), (1,2,3,4)(5,6,7,8)(9,10,11,12), (1,5,9,13,12,8,4)]
sage: p = P((1,2))
sage: ans = p.word_problem(P.gens())
p.word_problem(P.gens(), display=False)
sage: ans[0]
sage: ans[1]