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There is no way to define a MatrixSpace without fixing the number of columns and rows. You can see this by looking into the code:

sage: MatrixSpace??
    def __init__(self,...
        nrows = int(nrows)
        ncols = int(ncols)

Hence, Sage can not accept a symbolic variable n as the number of columns/rows.

A question remains : what do you want to ask to Sage about such a general matrix space, where entries are not determined ?

There is no way to define a MatrixSpace without fixing the number of columns and rows. You can see this by looking into the code:

sage: MatrixSpace??
    def __init__(self,...
        nrows = int(nrows)
        ncols = int(ncols)

Hence, Sage can not accept a symbolic variable n as the number of columns/rows.

A question remains : what do you want to ask to Sage about such a general matrix space, space where entries are not determined ?? There maybe a workaround for a precise question.