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What is interesting is the line the comes after the message

`Traceback (click to the left of this block for traceback)`

You are using the notebook, to see more information about the error, just click on the left side of the word Traceback, and then you will get more details.

In your case, it seems that th function qq2zz() does not exist (maybe you defined it before, at least it does not exist in sage).

What is interesting is the line the that comes after the message

`Traceback (click to the left of this block for traceback)`

You are using the notebook, to see more information about the error, just click on the left side of the word Traceback, and then you will get more details.

In your case, it seems that th the function qq2zz() does not exist (maybe you defined it before, at least it does not exist in sage).