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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

answered 12 years ago

Jason Grout gravatar image

First, there are time limits on calculations on which you may be running into. Have you tried running it on a computer that you can run long-running calculations on?

Second, I simplified your code quite a bit. I use the actual automorphism group as an item in the tuple, since apparently the calls to gap may be part of the problem, from the discussion above:

import collections

for k in range(4,15):
    for g in graphs.nauty_geng(str(k) + "-C -d3 -D3"):
        if g.vertex_connectivity()>=3:
            lglist[(k, g.vertex_connectivity(), g.automorphism_group())]+=1

for item in lglist.items():
  print item
click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

First, there are time limits on calculations on which you may be running into. Have you tried running it on a computer that you can run long-running calculations on?

Second, I simplified your code quite a bit. I use the actual automorphism group as an item in the tuple, since apparently the calls to gap may be part of the problem, from the discussion above:

import collections

for k in range(4,15):
    for g in graphs.nauty_geng(str(k) + "-C -d3 -D3"):
        if g.vertex_connectivity()>=3:
            lglist[(k, g.vertex_connectivity(), g.automorphism_group())]+=1

for item in lglist.items():
  print item
click to hide/show revision 3
No.3 Revision

First, there are time limits on calculations on which you may be running into. Have you tried running it on a computer that you can run long-running calculations on?

Second, I simplified your code quite a bit. I use the actual automorphism group as an item in the tuple, since apparently the calls to gap may be part of the problem, from the discussion above:

import collections

for k in range(4,15):
    for g in graphs.nauty_geng(str(k) + "-C -d3 -D3"):
        if g.vertex_connectivity()>=3:
            lglist[(k, g.vertex_connectivity(), g.automorphism_group())]+=1

for k,v in lglist.items():
    print v,k