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ou could find this out in a few different ways:

Competitor analysis – What services do the websites of your direct and indirect competitors offering? How do they deliver them? What’s good and bad about them? How do they compare with your site?

Customer research – there’s nothing better than asking your customers who they are, what their wants and needs are, what they think about your site and what they might want from it in the future. There’s a range of ways you could do this from simple, free online surveys like 4Qsurvey through to in depth face-to-face interviews with current and potential website users. For the best results, a mix of quantitative and qualitative with give you a well rounded picture.

Building website personas

Once you know who your audience is and what their wants and needs are you can build a set of personas that will help define the site’s structure, look and feel and website content.

Much has been written about personas, but again, the concept is really straightforward. Personas are fictional characters that bring together the key things that you’ve learned about your current and prospective customers. What are their wants and needs, what do they need to get out of your website? What is their motivation for visiting? What are their likes, dislikes and frustrations?

You would normally create a handful of personas – between 4 and 6. Even if your customer base is incredible broad, you must keep the numbers of personas to low, so that they are practical. I’ve found a great free online guide to creating personas, but there’s lots of other stuff out there.

Once you’ve defined your personas, you can then use them as a means to empathise with your customers when making decisions on your website. For example, if you’re creating a new design for your homepage, think about how each of your personas would feel about the proposed design – how does it help them achieve what they need to achieve?

Abacus has been for times immemorial an instrument to have been used as a counting devise. There have been many organizations that have contributed to the development, improvisation & popularization of training methods to get the best out of Abacus Training Center. There have been many organizations that have contributed to the development, improvisation & popularization of training methods to get the best out of Abacus training. UCMAS is also a good option for better understanding especially for kids. Aloha training method involves use of the single hand for moving the beads of an abacus instrument. But when we comes to calculation method adapted in the Abacus Classes, the other two use left to right method for multiplication, which is absolutely reciprocal to the School method in India. Business expansion of Abacus depends on appointing successful Abacus Franchise, it is important that companies take steps to reduce dropouts.

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No.2 Revision

ou could find this out in a few different ways:[spam removed]

Competitor analysis – What services do the websites of your direct and indirect competitors offering? How do they deliver them? What’s good and bad about them? How do they compare with your site?

Customer research – there’s nothing better than asking your customers who they are, what their wants and needs are, what they think about your site and what they might want from it in the future. There’s a range of ways you could do this from simple, free online surveys like 4Qsurvey through to in depth face-to-face interviews with current and potential website users. For the best results, a mix of quantitative and qualitative with give you a well rounded picture.

Building website personas

Once you know who your audience is and what their wants and needs are you can build a set of personas that will help define the site’s structure, look and feel and website content.

Much has been written about personas, but again, the concept is really straightforward. Personas are fictional characters that bring together the key things that you’ve learned about your current and prospective customers. What are their wants and needs, what do they need to get out of your website? What is their motivation for visiting? What are their likes, dislikes and frustrations?

You would normally create a handful of personas – between 4 and 6. Even if your customer base is incredible broad, you must keep the numbers of personas to low, so that they are practical. I’ve found a great free online guide to creating personas, but there’s lots of other stuff out there.

Once you’ve defined your personas, you can then use them as a means to empathise with your customers when making decisions on your website. For example, if you’re creating a new design for your homepage, think about how each of your personas would feel about the proposed design – how does it help them achieve what they need to achieve?

Abacus has been for times immemorial an instrument to have been used as a counting devise. There have been many organizations that have contributed to the development, improvisation & popularization of training methods to get the best out of Abacus Training Center. There have been many organizations that have contributed to the development, improvisation & popularization of training methods to get the best out of Abacus training. UCMAS is also a good option for better understanding especially for kids. Aloha training method involves use of the single hand for moving the beads of an abacus instrument. But when we comes to calculation method adapted in the Abacus Classes, the other two use left to right method for multiplication, which is absolutely reciprocal to the School method in India. Business expansion of Abacus depends on appointing successful Abacus Franchise, it is important that companies take steps to reduce dropouts.