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This seems to work well for me:

import scipy
import scipy.interpolate
# create x,y coordinates
x,y=zip(*[(i,i^3-i^3*sin(i)) for i in srange(0,10,step=0.1)])
f = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(x, y, kind='cubic')

Maybe your worksheet timed out or something?

This seems to work well for me:

import scipy
import scipy.interpolate
# create x,y coordinates
x,y=zip(*[(i,i^3-i^3*sin(i)) for i in srange(0,10,step=0.1)])
f = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(x, y, kind='cubic')

Maybe As DSM says, you misspelled the scipy "interpolate" module, so maybe that was the problem? Or maybe your worksheet timed out or something?out?