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I made this ticket 11539. As a temporary workaround, you can run the following commands which should fix things.

sage.calculus.calculus.maxima.eval(r":lisp (defun msize-factorial (x l r) (setq l (msize (cadr x) (revappend '(#\f #\a #\c #\t #\o #\r #\i #\a #\l #\() l) nil 'mparen 'mparen) r (list 1 #\) ) ) (list (+ (car l) (car r)) l r)) ")
sage.calculus.calculus.maxima.eval(r":lisp (defprop mfactorial msize-factorial grind)")

This changes things in Maxima so that factorial(x) is printed as factorial(x) instead of x!.