Huh, that's a great question. I don't believe so. However, you could LATEX it...
sage: M = matrix([[1,2,3]])
sage: latex(M)
1 & 2 & 3
Though that's not what you want in terms of the dots. Here it is in Sage, straight from some examples in the GAP reference manual:
sage: G = gap([[1,-1,1],[2,0,-1],[1,1,1]])
sage: G
[ [ 1, -1, 1 ], [ 2, 0, -1 ], [ 1, 1, 1 ] ]
sage: type(G)
<class ''>
sage: G.Display()
[ [ 1, -1, 1 ],
[ 2, 0, -1 ],
[ 1, 1, 1 ] ]
sage: H = gap('[[1,-1,1],[2,0,-1],[1,1,1]]*One(GF(5))')
sage: H
[ [ Z(5)^0, Z(5)^2, Z(5)^0 ], [ Z(5), 0*Z(5), Z(5)^2 ],
[ Z(5)^0, Z(5)^0, Z(5)^0 ] ]
sage: H.Display()
1 4 1
2 . 4
1 1 1
You'll note that this only happens in the finite field case, where of course 0 isn't in the group of units and so it's appropriate to display it differently. So I don't know whether we would want to do this.
For sparse Sage matrices, like (from Sage matrix?
sage: m=matrix(QQ,2,3,{(1,1): 2}); m
[0 0 0]
[0 2 0]
I could imagine something of the kind as an optional way of doing it. But I don't use them, so you'd want to ask on sage-devel about that.