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I have been able to get most things working with:

list_plot([(r,Pabrf(Ratio=r).n()) for r in srange(-1, 1, 0.1, include_endpoint=True)], plotjoined=True, frame=true).show(ymin=0,axes_labels=('O0/Wnut','Pa->b'),gridlines=None)

I have an additional questions about controlling plot features:

  1. How do I turn off or turn on the lines at the origin(o)?

  2. How do I turn off the minor ticks?

Thank you again for your help.

I have been able to get most things working with:

list_plot([(r,Pabrf(Ratio=r).n()) for r in srange(-1, 1, 0.1, srange(-50, 50, 0.25, include_endpoint=True)], plotjoined=True, frame=true).show(ymin=0,axes_labels=('O0/Wnut','Pa->b'),gridlines=None)frame=true).show(ymin=0,axes_labels=('$\Omega _{0}/\omega _{nut}$',"$ P _{a\Rightarrow b}$"))

I have an additional questions about controlling plot features:

  1. How do I turn off or turn on the lines at the origin(o)?

  2. How do I turn off the minor ticks?

  3. How do I get the \rightarrow to display instead of the \Rightarrow?

Thank you again for your help.

I have been able to get most things working with:

list_plot([(r,Pabrf(Ratio=r).n()) for r in srange(-50, 50, 0.25, srange(-1, 1, 0.1, include_endpoint=True)], plotjoined=True, frame=true).show(ymin=0,axes_labels=('$\Omega _{0}/\omega _{nut}$',"$ P _{a\Rightarrow b}$"))

I have an additional questions about controlling plot features:

  1. How do I turn off or turn on the lines at the origin(o)?

  2. How do I turn off the minor ticks?

  3. How do I get the \rightarrow to display instead of the \Rightarrow?\Rightarrow? Only the \Rightarrow displays properly.

Thank you again for your help.