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The following example illustrates the problem Niles saw with using lambda. Notice that the t in the lambda is taken from the current value of t in the global scope:

sage: f=lambda x: (x,t)
sage: t=2
sage: f(1)
(1, 2)
sage: t=3
sage: f(1)
(1, 3)

See the first few answers of for more discussion.

The following example illustrates the problem Niles saw with using lambda. Notice that the t in the lambda is taken from the current value of t in the global scope:

sage: f=lambda x: (x,t)
sage: t=2
sage: f(1)
(1, 2)
sage: t=3
sage: f(1)
(1, 3)

See the first few answers of for more discussion.discussion. Here is one workaround from those answers:

sage: f=lambda x,t=t: (x,t)
sage: t=1
sage: f(1)
(1, 100)