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2019-04-04 21:46:03 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-09-06 03:30:52 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-04-14 19:47:13 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-03-24 05:05:31 +0200 commented answer My first question: When using desolve_system_rk4(), is there a way to see the plots of the dependent variables vs. the independent variable? Thanks.

wow...I'm amazed at how helpful that is. I didn't understand how desolve_system_rk4 worked, so I couldn't work out how to get the tx and ty curves. Now I have a much better idea of both...thanks!

2015-03-24 00:13:06 +0200 asked a question My first question: When using desolve_system_rk4(), is there a way to see the plots of the dependent variables vs. the independent variable? Thanks.
 x,y,t=var('x y t')
Q=[ [i,j] for i,j,k in P]
# Q=[ [j,k] for i,j,k in P]
Q=[ [j,k] for i,j,k in P]
plot(x);plot(y) #Doesn't work