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2011-12-05 09:20:02 +0200 received badge  Student (source)
2011-12-04 11:09:30 +0200 commented answer wrong variable in solution of an inequality

Thank you. But actually there is no assumptions about `(2*d*m - e + w)` in my problem. The only assumption is d>0 which when I apply it, it does not make any changes in the solution. Although I solved the problem by hand, I am so curious to know how to achieve desired arrangement in variables which may help me through remaining of my work.

2011-12-03 10:37:53 +0200 asked a question wrong variable in solution of an inequality

Hi everybody,

I am new to sage, trying to solve an inequality using sage, i.e:


x_br=1/2*(2*c*d - d*e - d*w)/(2*d*m - e + w)


But what I get is:

[[w == -2*d*m + c], [d == 0], [max(-2*d*m + e, -d*m + c) < w, 0 < d], [-2*d*m + e < w, w < -d*m + c, d < 0, -d*m + e < c], [-d*m + c < w, w < -2*d*m + e, d < 0, c < -d*m + e], [w < min(-d*m + c, -2*d*m + e), 0 < d]]

It is solved based on w instead of m. I tried different variables but the result is always the same. What should I do to have solution based on x?

Thank you in advance.