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2012-03-05 23:56:31 +0200 received badge  Good Answer (source)
2011-11-14 15:02:52 +0200 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2011-10-17 16:46:59 +0200 received badge  Teacher (source)
2011-09-22 01:10:49 +0200 received badge  Supporter (source)
2011-09-22 01:10:06 +0200 answered a question app installation problem on mac os x lion

Folks, I've had a similar problem. Downloaded the, tried launching it, then (as suggested here) tried launching from the command line. Here are the results:

209 $ /Applications/
| Sage Version 4.7.1, Release Date: 2011-08-11                       |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Volumes/sage-4.7.1-OSX-64bit-10.6-x86_64-Darwin/", line 18, in <module>
    import IPython
ImportError: No module named IPython
210 $

iPython is installed in my normal Python world.