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2021-04-29 21:36:57 +0200 received badge  Student (source)
2021-04-29 20:26:58 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2019-11-22 04:02:27 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2013-12-02 06:57:22 +0200 asked a question date x-axis

i need to plot a graph with bubbles : y-axis is a data, size is another one, in x i need to put date. How is it possible? What's the date format?

An exemple:

azerty=[(131118,43,16), (131118,43,10), (131118,46,8), (131118,43,15), (131118,38,19)]

dvorak=[(131119,7,25), (131120,6,14), (131120,7,26), (131121,7,28), (131121,8,26), (131122,9,18), (131123,9,26), (131123,10,23), (131123,11,17), (131124,12,14), (131124,12,15), (131124,11,25), (131124,12,12), (131124,12,15), (131124,12,20), (131125,9,17), (131125,10,18), (131125,13,9), (131126,13,6), (131126,13,11), (131126,13,8), (131127,13,12), (131127,12,16), (131127,15,12), (131127,16,10), (131127,14,9), (131127,13,19), (131127,13,14), (131127,12,14), (131127,13,11), (131127,13.2,17), (131127,12,19), (131127,11,22), (131128,13,9), (131128,15,17), (131128,15,14), (131128,14,18), (131128,14,12), (131128,13,22), (131128,13,13), (131128,14,11), (131128,15,16), (131129,14,14), (131129,13,16), (131129,14,9), (131129,14,15), (131130,17,12), (131130,18,8), (131130,13,18), (131130,16,26), (131130,16,14), (131130,16,15), (131201,14,9), (131201,16,12), (131201,15,13), (131201,14,14)]


for x in azerty:
    P=P+circle((x[0],x[1]/10), x[2]/50, fill=True, edgecolor='blue', rgbcolor='blue', alpha=0.15)

for x in dvorak:
    P=P+circle((x[0],x[1]/10), x[2]/50, fill=True, edgecolor='green', rgbcolor='green', alpha=0.15)
