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2018-01-07 15:16:08 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2014-12-29 19:58:38 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2013-10-23 06:14:35 +0200 commented answer implementing sagetex in latex

Thanks both of you. The .sty file is adapted. Took a while. Problem changed, though. I posted it as another question. Thing is, Sage finds the example.sagetex.sage file, processes it, and then says, it can't find it (Errno 2, no such file). Regards.

2013-10-23 06:11:58 +0200 asked a question LaTeX, sagetex, Sage

Hi there,

I'm new to Sage and new to the forum. I'm using MiKTex 29, the editor is Texmaker on a Win7 PC, Sage as 5.11 in VirtualBox. The .latexmkrc has been changed as advised here:

Changing .latexmkrc when using Texmaker

The sagetex which is used by Sage and pdflatex are of the same version. Everything should do just fine, except it doesn't.

Using the example.tex given in the sagetex directory, I compile it with TeX and get example.sagetex.sage. Everything fine there.

Running it in Sage works quite well, too. Sage says, it's plotting and doing and so on. Then it comes to a point, where Sage says: "[Errno 2] No sich file or directory: 'example.sagetex.sage'".

And the process breaks.

Here my question: Sage processes the example.sagetex.sage file in the given directory. Then it says "file not found / file not there". Both of the prompts seem to exclude eachother fairly well. But I get them anyway. What am I doing wrong?

Regards. H.

2013-10-14 08:55:31 +0200 answered a question implementing sagetex in latex


I'm new to the forum, and basically, I know it's bad style to put a question into the answers line, but I don't want to open another thread, because my problem is somewhat linked to the thread here.

I'm new to Sage, so maybe that's just peanuts for most of you. However, I am using Sage under VM VirtualBox and LaTeX MiKTEx 2.9 under Win 7. Now, I want Sage and TeX to be good friends, and I followed all the steps in the installation guide of Sage.

Thing is: I have a versions mismatch of the sagetex.sty and files, that shouldn't be there. I updated the sagetex.sty to the version, I use under Sage for by:

  1. Giving MiKTeX a new root to look at
  2. deleting the old sagetex.sty and providing the new one
  3. deleting the whole sagetex package with MiKTeX, only providing a new root where to find the sagetex.sty
  4. copying the sagetex.sty into the directory I work in with my TeX-File

All I get is: Version mismatch. The version of your sagetex.sty is "none", the version of your is "2012/01/16 v2.3.3-69dc..." However, looking into sagetex.sty with any editor, I get:

"\ProvidesPackage{sagetex} [2012/01/16 v2.3.3-69dcb0eb93de embedding Sage into LaTeX documents] \newcommand{\ST@ver}{2012/01/16 v2.3.3-69dcb0eb93de}"

So, the versions of and sagetex.sty are the same.

What am I missing. I appreciate any help.

Regards, H.