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change home directory

Dear Community, I just started using Sage. I was able to install it on my computer, and use it through the Notebook mode on my web browser. I like that Sage keeps a copy of my worksheets, so that I can open them every time I start a Sage session.

The situation is that I have two computers from which I work on Sage. So in order to get the latest copy of my worksheets, I found that I can Upload and Save the worksheets to a different folder, one that I can access from the two computers.

This has worked okay for me, but it presents two inconveniences. One is that I sometimes find two copies of the same worksheet on my Sage session, the version that I just opened from the folder, and the version that I saved from my last session in that computer. The second inconvenience, is that I have to navigate to the common folder each time that I start and finish my session.

I would think that this could get solved if I could change the home directory to be set in my common folder, instead of where the Sage installation is. However I haven't found a way to do this, and would appreciate the help from the community.

Thank you Diego