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Where is the default directory for outputting?

So I'm running Sage on OSX, and I'm using the function g.write_to_eps(), where g is a graph. One from the sage help pages is

 g = Graph({0:[6,7],1:[7,8],2:[8,9],3:[9,10],4:[10,11],5:[11,6],6:[0,5,7],7:[0,1,6],8:[1,2,9],9:[2,3,8],10:[3,4,11],11:[4,5,10]})

So I run that, then g.write_to_eps('sage.eps'), but I have no idea where it is supposed to show up. Could anybody help me with this? Probably a very easy answer, but I couldn't find a solid reply through Google. Sage is located in '/Applications/sage' and I'm in '/Users/jlv/'


Where is the default directory for outputting?

So I'm running Sage on OSX, and I'm using the function g.write_to_eps(), where g is a graph. One from the sage help pages is

 g = Graph({0:[6,7],1:[7,8],2:[8,9],3:[9,10],4:[10,11],5:[11,6],6:[0,5,7],7:[0,1,6],8:[1,2,9],9:[2,3,8],10:[3,4,11],11:[4,5,10]})

So I run that, then g.write_to_eps('sage.eps'), but I have no idea where it is supposed to show up. Could anybody help me with this? Probably a very easy answer, but I couldn't find a solid reply through Google. Sage is located in '/Applications/sage' and I'm in '/Users/jlv/'


P.S. To be more precise, where is the output executing the above commands from the browser notebook, not Terminal. Through Terminal things work as they should, as in g.write_to_eps('/Users/jlv/Desktop/sage.eps') appears on my Desktop.