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Printing stuff from Sage notebook

I run some code, I get some output. I want to print that output. Maybe it includes a picture of a graph and some writing as well. How can I print this? Earlier today, in this situation, I copied the image and pasted it into Word. I then copied the text and copied it into Word. That worked. I also tried highlighting it all and printing selection in Firefox. That did not work. It didn't print the picture and it didn't print some of the text. I'm hoping there's just a built in way to do this.


Printing stuff from Sage notebook

I run some code, I get some output. I want to print that output. Maybe it includes a picture of a graph and some writing as well. How can I print this? Earlier today, in this situation, I copied the image and pasted it into Word. I then copied the text and copied it into Word. That worked. I also tried highlighting it all and printing selection in Firefox. That did not work. It didn't print the picture and it didn't print some of the text. I'm hoping there's just a built in way to do this.

Just to be clear, I have a bunch of code that has been run, maybe I only want to print the output of one bit instead of printing pages and pages to have one page with the stuff I actually am interested in.


Printing stuff from Sage notebook

I run some code, I get some output. I want to print that output. Maybe it includes a picture of a graph and some writing as well. How can I print this? Earlier today, in this situation, I copied the image and pasted it into Word. I then copied the text and copied it into Word. That worked. I also tried highlighting it all and printing selection in Firefox. That did not work. It didn't print the picture and it didn't print some of the text. I'm hoping there's just a built in way to do this.

Just to be clear, I have a bunch of code that has been run, maybe I only want to print the output of one bit instead of printing pages and pages to have one page with the stuff I actually am interested in.

Update: Here's my suggestion. I run a program, there is some output. I click the print button NEXT TO THAT OUTPUT and it prints that output only. If I want to print everything, I push the one at the top of the page, which I already knew about. Maybe this is a huge pain. If so, that's fine. But, it's my suggestion!
