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How to get result - diophantines equation

I tried to enter this question:

sage: var('x y')
(x, y)
sage: eq1=16^(x^2+y)+16^(y^2+x)-1
sage: solve(eq1,x,y)

But it gives empty result []. The known result for this question is (x,y)=(-1/2,-1/2).

How to get result - diophantines equation

I tried to enter this question:

sage: var('x y')
(x, y)
sage: eq1=16^(x^2+y)+16^(y^2+x)-1
sage: solve(eq1,x,y)

But it gives empty result []. The known result for this question is (x,y)=(-1/2,-1/2).