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The performance speed of "len(str(n))" method and "a^b % p" method in Sage


Using the same Jupyter Notebook, I've found that identical codes between SageMath and Python turns out that the running time of SageMath shows up much faster than the same code written in Python.

Those codes are as follows.

import timeit

def modular():
    return 3**10000000 % (2**127-1)

def countlength():
    return len(str(3**10000000))

print(timeit.timeit(modular, number=1))
print(timeit.timeit(countlength, number=1))

In SageMath, the running time is less than 1 second for both functions. On the other hand, the running time for "modular' is 5 times slower in Python and for the "countlengh" function, there isn't even an answer from Python.

It makes me curious, what's the magic behind the speed of SageMath?

Recently I'm working on algorithm and coding optimization so any advice from a senior would be grateful.
