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There is a way to use tikz-cd in a sage notebook?

Using sagemath via jupyterlab I saw that in a code cell I can use the magic command %%latex at begining to write after custom $\LaTeX$ after. However I didn't see a way to setup a preamble or so to use latex libraries like tikz-cd. Some my question is, there is a way to use latex libraries like tikz-cd with sagemath?

There is a way to use tikz-cd in a sage notebook?

Using sagemath via jupyterlab I saw that in a code cell I we can use the magic command %%latex at begining to write after custom $\LaTeX$ after. However I didn't see a way to setup a preamble or so to use latex libraries like tikz-cd. Some my question is, there is a way to use latex libraries like tikz-cd with sagemath?

There is a way to use tikz-cd in a sage notebook?

Using sagemath via jupyterlab I saw that in a code cell we can use the magic command %%latex at begining the beginning to write after custom $\LaTeX$ after. $\LaTeX$. However I didn't see a way to setup a preamble or so to use latex libraries like tikz-cd. Some my question is, there is a way to use latex libraries like tikz-cd with sagemath?

There is a way to use tikz-cd in a sage notebook?

Using sagemath via jupyterlab I saw that in a code cell we can use the magic command %%latex at the beginning to write after custom $\LaTeX$. However I didn't see a way to setup a preamble or so to use latex libraries like tikz-cd. Some So my question is, there is a way to use latex libraries like tikz-cd with sagemath?